About the AHSS

Our mission is to support coordinated and collaborative decision-making aimed at restoring and protecting the ecological and socio-economic health of South Puget Sound.


The Alliance For A Healthy South Sound was created to focus on sustainability – including environmental, economic and community health, implementing a South Puget Sound workplan. The South Puget Sound workplan will identify organizational goals and measurable targets. The South Puget Sound Action Agenda profile produced by the Puget Sound Partnership is one tool that strives towards these objectives and, in addition, other tools may be developed and implemented by the organization.


The Alliance for a Healthy South Sound was created by South Puget Sound tribal and county elected officials in 2010. The Alliance was recognized by the Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council as the South Puget Sound organization responsible for Action Agenda implementation. More information on the Partnership’s Action Agenda as well as the geographic Action Areas is available through the Partnership’s web site at: http://www.psp.wa.gov/


AHSS structureThe Alliance for a Healthy South Sound is divided into three parts: Executive Committee, Council, and ad hoc working groups. All meetings of the Alliance Executive Committee and Alliance Council are open to public attendance.


You can download a PDF version of the Alliance By-Laws here.

LIO Boundary

LIO boundary

LIO Coordination Team

Elizabeth McManus
(360) 570-0899

Haley Morris
(541) 570-0246

Contract Manager – Thurston County 

Dana Bowers
Associate Planner