Harvesting of shellfish in the South Sound has a long history, beginning with the Squaxin Island Tribe and Nisqually Tribe which continue to rely on shellfish as a source of food and cultural tradition. In the present day, there also are significant recreational harvests and larger-scale commercial production in the South Sound. In additional to economic and cultural benefits from harvest, shellfish — whether harvestable or not — provide significant water quality benefits.
Overall, the AHSS aims to expand healthy, productive shellfish populations and shellfish harvest. There are approximately 40,000 acres of commercial and recreational shellfish beds in South Sound, and nearly 80% of these beds are open for harvest (both approved and conditional). However, pollution from stormwater runoff and failing on-site sewage systems impair marine water quality and can lead to frequent harvest restrictions and closures of shellfish beds. These closures are determined by the DOH based on regular marine water samples collected throughout the year. During the sampling, all potential pollution sources that may impact water quality are evaluated. If sampling indicates poor water quality the beach can be closed to shellfish harvest, as the shellfish are not safe to eat. A closed classification for recreational harvesting indicates that water quality does not meet standards for safe consumption of the shellfish. The commercial equivalent of “closed” is “prohibited”. This indicates the presence of contaminants that pose a health risk to shellfish consumers. Both classifications are long-term. Occasionally an event occurs that degrades water quality and creates conditions that make shellfish unsafe for human consumption. When things like floods, sewage spills or other pollution events occur, an emergency closure is imposed on the affected area. This is a temporary closure that remains until water quality returns to previous levels and shellfish have had time to naturally rid themselves of contaminants. Portions of the beaches near the head of Henderson Bay, Nisqually and the eastern shoreline near the cities of Steilacoom, University Place, and Tacoma are closed due to non-point source pollution, such as that from stormwater runoff, failing septic systems, and protective closures around sewage treatment plant outfalls. Shellfish growing areas are monitored for water quality by the Washington State DOH and classified based on monitoring results. If water quality has improved in a shellfish growing area then it has the potential to be upgraded in classification, allowing for greater accessibility.
The Washington Shellfish Initiative is a partnership between state and local government, Tribes, industry, and non-government partners to promote clean water, healthy shellfish, and a robust local economy. In 2016, Governor Inslee launched the second phase of the Initiative. Visit the Governor’s website to learn more: http://www.governor.wa.gov/issues/issues/energy-environment/shellfishhere.
Anthony’s Oyster Festival: March | Thurston and Pierce County
Washington Shellfish Week: April 15-21 | Link
Allen Geoduck Festival: April 20-22, 2018 | Allen, WA | Link
Hama Hama Oyster Rama: April 21, 2018 | Mason County | Link
Shellfish SLURP: May 6, 2018 | Thurston County | Link
Shellfest: June | Pierce County
Oysterfest: October 7th & 8th | Shelton, WA | Link
Shellfish Gardening
In a shellfish garden, tideland owners grow non-commercial shellfish for their own use, providing fresh and delicious seafood and valuable ecosystem services for cleaner Puget Sound waters. The AHSS developed the Shellfish Gardening guide below to provide step-by-step instructions, materials list, and more, for tideland owners interested in growing and harvesting their own shellfish.
Outdoor Recreation and Shellfish Harvesting
Looking for a way to combine your favorite outdoor activity with a great place to recreationally harvest shellfish in South Sound? Check out the Alliance for a Healthy South Sound’s new interactive recreation map! Use the link below to explore public shoreline access spots in South Sound that are open to recreational shellfish harvest. The map allows you to sort locations by activity using the pane on the right. You can also click on each location for more information. Note: this map provides public access locations where recreational shellfish harvest is generally allowed. It does not automatically update to reflect changes in water quality and shellfish safety. Always check the WA Department of Health website before harvesting shellfish.
Failing septic systems are a large contributor to poor water quality in Puget Sound and can make shellfish unsafe to harvest. Check out the link below for more information on basic septic system care, warning signs of septic failure, and financial assistance programs available in Thurston, Mason, and Pierce Counties.